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My Blog 

Flip through these post to find the topics, products and activities near and dear to me. This blog is a peak into my world off the web and many times off the grid, as I run through the wildreness 

Inspiration for a beautiful meaningful life

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News flash! You don’t need breasts to have a fulfilling, happy, sexy life

Boob-less in Boca and having a blast with my bestie

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I’m Christa.
Welcome to the unedited version of me, the active mom of 2, just trying to float it all.  Woven through my blog will we see the things close to my heart, my favorite products and the daily shenanigans that ensue.

My bilateral mastectomy was in theory, going to be done followed by an immediate reconstruction, and I would be done with surgery entirely.  I would go into surgery with my breasts and emerge with reconstructed breasts.  This went to plan during my 8 hour surgery.  What did not were the days that followed.   My […]

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I was 28 and just had signed up for  a lumpectomy with 5 years of Tamoxifen therapy.  Easier option I was told.  This approach was presented as a quick recovery and back to work in a few days.  Wow, I remember thinking, this is not nearly as bad as I imagined. Looking back, I remember […]

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Over the last week, I have been brainstorming ways to introduce all my wonderful readers to what health coaching really is.  What health coaching feels like, how the sessions are run, what benefits you will walk way with after each session and most of all, how much progress can be made when there is a […]

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Welcome friends!! I’m Christa. Over the next several blog posts I will be sharing my story, what brought me to this platform and what has compelled me to share my world with all of you. Over a decade ago I was thrown into a different world other than any I had known. All that felt […]

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